
DD Health Tech Blog

Software Release 3.1

Software Release 3.1

Make performance visible – through testing   Thanks to a close and prolific collaboration with our top high performance customers in Switzerland and Japan, we have improved and expanded the ddrobotec testing software.   Test the tests yourself today and do not forget to unleash your power!   Your DD Team     Upgrades and […]

August 11, 2020
Missing the beach?

Missing the beach?

ddrobotec® Game Worlds Summer 2020 New game level out now!   Play it today, build muscles and improve your neuromotor abilities such as coordination, strength, power and endurance while you play.   You won’t regret it, it’s fun.  

July 6, 2020
Software Release 3.0

Software Release 3.0

Faster, higher, stronger – through artificial intelligence   With this software release, we introduce the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) to the brainmuscleX® training sessions. After each training session the users are now asked to rate the intensity of the training they just performed. With this information the robotic personal trainers will be able […]

June 10, 2020
ddrobotec setzt sich ein für Datentransparenz

ddrobotec setzt sich ein für Datentransparenz

COVID-19 in der Schweiz: ddrobotec setzt sich ein für Datentransparenz.   Während sich ein kleines Montage-Team unter erhöhten Sicherheitsvorkehrungen um die Produktion der Robotic Personal Trainer kümmert, hat das Coding-Team seine Priorität kurzfristig verlagert, um die Schweiz bei der Bewältigung der Corona-Krise zu unterstützen.   Innerhalb von vier Tagen konnte das Coding-Team auf der Basis […]

March 25, 2020
COVID-19 Statistics Switzerland

COVID-19 Statistics Switzerland

COVID-19 Statistics Switzerland   Damit auch die Schweiz einen genaueren Überblick über die Verbreitung des Coronavirus erhält, hat unser CEO, Dr. Max Lungarella, mit den Daten des BAG eine detaillierte Übersicht zusammengestellt. covid19.ddrobotec.com   Diese wird täglich upgedatet.   Stay safe, stay tuned.

March 20, 2020
Why Your Brain Needs Physical Exercise

Why Your Brain Needs Physical Exercise

With 30-35 million people worldwide suffering from Alzheimer’s disease (1), it might seem that declining brain function is an inevitable part of ageing.   However, this is not the case. “Lots of people live into their 90s and even 100s with no symptoms of dementia,” says Bryan James, an epidemiologist at the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease […]

March 17, 2020
Let's play!

Let's play!

ddrobotec Game Worlds Content Update now available   Play it today, build muscles and improve your neuromotor abilities such as coordination, strength, power and endurance while you play.   You won’t regret it, it’s fun.  

March 10, 2020
Software Release 2.9

Software Release 2.9

Motivation is everything – with this release users can now easily compete with each other and see their position in a global ranking table. Scores are calculated similar to the handicap scoring system in Golf, allowing a fully democratic competition scheme between patients, athletes and every body else.   Two new tests augment the ddrobotec test […]

February 25, 2020
Game Worlds

Game Worlds

Robodo Miku fly through the air.   The ski jump simulation is part of ddrobotec’s new Game Worlds training system. These game-based simulations are fun and make functional testing and neuroathletic training easy.   Take a look at the trailer:  

February 18, 2020
Can Resistance Training Improve Well-Being at Work?

Can Resistance Training Improve Well-Being at Work?

Happy and healthy employees are motivated and productive. They take fewer sick days off work and are more likely to stay with a company for longer.   In recent years, an increasing number of companies have implemented workplace well-being programmes, which aim to improve their employees’ physical and mental health.   Companies with high levels […]

December 2, 2019
The Benefits of Better Mobility for Elderly People

The Benefits of Better Mobility for Elderly People

In 2018, for the first time ever, the world’s population in the over-65 age group was higher than the number of children aged under five.   This global trend towards ageing is forecast to accelerate, with the proportion of the population aged over 65 almost doubling from 9 per cent in 2019 to 16 per […]

November 15, 2019
Software Release 2.8

Software Release 2.8

The new release contains a new neuro-motor test which takes about 5 minutes to complete. Testing results can now be utilized to automatically adapt training parameters to training progress. The test is simple and safe, all testing data is uploaded to the cloud. The software release also contains new workout plans and two new Ballvin […]

November 12, 2019
Why game-based robot-assisted training helps going to the gym

Why game-based robot-assisted training helps going to the gym

As mobility and quality of life are so tightly interwoven, it stands to reason that strong and well coordinated legs lead to a better life. Right now, you’re probably thinking, “Easy peasy! I’ll just go to the gym a couple times a week, get strong legs and stay fit for the rest of my life.” […]

September 20, 2019
DD App available now

DD App available now

The DD App helps the user to easily connect to the DD System. In addition, all training activities of the last 30 days are shown or workout plans can be created in advance. The DD App is free and downloadable at the Apple Store and on Google Play.   Have fun training! Your DD Team […]

July 15, 2019
Software Releases 2.6 and 2.7

Software Releases 2.6 and 2.7

Each software upgrade expands the possibilities of your DD System and improves usability. Have a look.   And have fun training! Your DD Team   Upgrade 2.6 Training preview with the DD virtual trainer New visualization of training units New ready-to-use templates of training plans New level in the Ballvin Game: Rocky More communicative layout […]

July 8, 2019