

Hirn-Muskel-Training – die nächste Generation:


ddrobotec by Dynamic Devices develops and markets the world’s only AI-powered robotic personal trainer of its kind.

brainmuscleX® strength training sessions on our robotic trainer exercise brain and muscles – simultaneously. They are highly motivating, intense, and provide meaningful diagnostics.

The result? Muscles are built and strengthened faster; neuromuscular and neurocognitive performance is optimized; and neuromotor abilities such as coordination, strength, power and endurance are improved more efficiently.


How does brainmuscleX® work?

1. Sensory input

The eyes, ears, joint position and force senses receive visual, auditory and force feedback from the robotic personal trainer.


2. Motor commands

The brain processes the sensory input and given a particular task generates a sequence of motor commands.


3. User action

The motor commands direct the musculo-skeletal system to execute a desired and appropriate user action.


4. Robot feedback

The robotic personal trainer evaluates the user’s activity, adapts, and updates visual, auditory and force feedback.



Key benefits

Personalized training protocols
Intrinsically motivating workouts
Autonomous training experience
Enhanced neuromuscular performance
Increased neurocognitive performance
Improved motor (re)learning
Decreased joint and patella stress
Automatic data logging and reporting
Decreased personnel costs
Lower administrative overhead

Personalized training protocols
Intrinsically motivating
Neuromuscular performance up
Neurocognitive performance up
Improved motor (re)learning
Decreased joint and patella stress
Automatic data logging
Decreased personnel costs
Lower administrative overhead



Ready-made training plans

All DD Systems are equipped with dozens of training and test protocols that can be combined to create thousands of workout plans to suit anybody’s goals and needs. They are used for people who need to train coordination, build up strength and muscles, exercise power and endurance.

Below some examples of brainmuscleX® workout plans for general prevention, golden agers fitness, body shaping, body building, athletic conditioning and all kinds of sports disciplines.


Short and sweet neuro-muscular performance enhancement drill for the ones with little time on their hands.


Plan for the ambitious tennis player targeting peak force, speed strength, and ankle stability.


Plan for the advanced soccer player integrating soft plyometrics, speed strength and reactive power training.


Plan for re-mobilization and restoration of left/right symmetry.


Plan for advanced re-mobilisation and build-up of strength, dynamic stability, and muscle mass.


Plan aimed at re-establishing left/right symmetry through neurological cross-education of the affected leg/side.


Training, testing, reporting – all in one

brainmuscleX® performance tuning works iteratively. Data is recorded, processed, stored, and interpreted automatically. This data is then used to modify follow-up training units according to a flexible non-linear periodization scheme.

Matching diagnostics capabilities can be used to uncover potential neuromotor imbalances such as left/right asymmetries, lack of speed strength, and reduced rate of force development. Below we list all fundamental tests that can be run on DD Systems.




  • Inter-leg L/R symmetry
  • Motor accuracy/precision
  • Proprioception




  • Peak force (1-RM)
  • Eccentric force
  • Force steadiness




  • L/R power differences
  • Rate of force development
  • Peak power
  • Power for cyclic movements
  • Reaction time




  • Anaerobic work capacity
  • Critical power
  • Cardiopulmonary performance


Results of the critical power test.


Results of the concentric power test.


Downloadable PDF for easy processing.



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